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No Dog Too Small

Behavioral Questionnaire

Please review this entire questionnaire first, then go back and answer the questions as thoroughly as possible. If there was an incident (such as a bite), please ask those who were present for input as well.

What is the main issue you are concerned about? (Check all that apply.)
Please check off any of the following that coincide with the change in your dog's behavior:
If steps have been taken to address the issue, did your dog's behavior improve, worsen, or stay the same?
If your dog has threatened or bitten another dog, please check all that apply.
If your dog has threatened or bitten a person, please check all that apply.

For each specific incident, please provide the following information. (Copy this section on to another page if you need to provide information about more than one incident.)

Was your dog on leash?

If there was a bite:

Did it cause bruising?
Was there bleeding (torn skin)?
Was there a puncture wound?
Were there multiple puncture wounds?
Did the dog bite, latch on and shake his head from side to side, not letting go?
If there was a bite, was medical help sought?
If there was a bite, was it reported?
If there was a bite, was legal action taken?
Which of the following best describes your feelings about your dog’s behavior issue?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

Please return it with the Client Information Form.

No Dog Too Small

Deborah Maida, Owner

(781) 218-9217

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